The REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC) protects homeownership and the real estate industry by fighting issues and electing pro-REALTOR® and pro-real estate candidates. RPAC dollars are used on the federal, state, and local level to support issues critical to the future of real estate and REALTORS®. If RPAC isn’t there to speak out and shape the discussion, someone else will.

  • Preventing 20-30% down payment requirements

  • Assuring the continuation of the mortgage interest deduction

  • 5-year flood insurance re-authorization; creating certainty to thousands of transactions in Idaho

  • Extending Mortgage Cancellation Relief for an additional year

  • Stopping tax on cloud applications, like the MLS services

  • Preventing undue fees and taxes on local homes to keep prices stable

REALTORS® must be politically active. If not, who will take on the responsibility of protecting the values and rights we hold dear? Be assured that someone will—someone who may not value wise business planning and could threaten property owner and property rights.

why is advocacy important? how does it benefit members?

Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® across America to come together and speak with one voice about the stability a sound and dynamic real estate market brings to our communities. From city hall to the state house to the U.S. Capitol, our elected officials are making decisions that have a huge impact on the bottom line of REALTORS® and their customers. Through the support of REALTORS® like you, the REALTOR® Party represents your interests.

As a member of the REALTOR® Party, you are encouraged to…